Being in a high-growth stage company is equally exciting and challenging. As BizOps professionals, both Young and Jamie have had the pleasure of being part of some incredible growth-stage companies and intimately know how challenging it can be. You feel that your teams are working incredibly hard but there is little-to-no organization around what is important and urgent, or who should be doing what and when. With so many moving pieces, it’s difficult to make sure everyone is working in sync. 

BizOps can help teams with everything from strategy to execution. As Dan Yoo, Advisor and former COO of NerdWallet, puts it:

"[BizOps is] a decision-support mechanism that helps with everything from optimizing day-to-day operations to carrying out high-priority initiatives to tackling the most important strategic questions." A successful BizOps team works cross functionally to achieve business clarity, so that the organization at-large can maintain agility and efficiency while executing complex growth strategies. 

Five Qualities of a Successful BizOps Team 



High-growth stages require a strategic mind that can support multiple departments without being relegated to a single function. A successful BizOps team has a good understanding of the cross-functionality of your business’ workflows and is able to identify areas of improvement for high impact.

Problem Solving.

BizOps teams should be able to find innovative solutions to myriad business problems, and adapt and respond quickly to unexpected challenges.


With a million moving parts and shifting priorities, a successful BizOps team is composed of utility players who can quickly and effectively fill gaps and create traction before moving on to another problem.


BizOps involves working directly with key stakeholders across the business – both internally and externally – from junior-level associates to members of the C-Suite. Impeccable communication skills are vital.

Project Management.

BizOps involves both strategizing and effective execution. Successful BizOps teams have great project management skills, allowing them to work effectively cross-functionally as well as deliver on outputs in a timely and efficient manner.

How Do You Know When You Need BizOps? 

Our Biz Ops in a Box services can be useful for a variety of projects. We can help you implement special projects from SWOT to execution; we can help you execute on projects you’ve always wanted to test that are not currently assignable to your current leadership team due to bandwidth, competency, or priorities; and we can help you build a department that brings your business to the next level.


Here are four reasons to invest in BizOps with FYA:

Tools and Systems Overload?

We help you consolidate and prioritize the tools and systems that actually allow you to succeed. We train your staff on how to use these tools efficiently.

Broken Processes?

We are results-driven process-building maniacs. We help you build organizational charts and standard operating procedures that will make your business operations and decision-making seamless.

No Visibility Into Projects?

We train your teams to be better at summarizing information in documents, dashboard, and models. We build processes around encouraging frequent team-wide and company-wide updates to ensure all team members are apprised of the most important information.

Misaligned Ownership and Prioritization?

We train your teams to be better project and program managers, so that the senior leaders and executives can focus their energy on high-priority decision-making.


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